A New Page

So, here we are. A little over a week into The Best Year Yet. And… well, school is back in session, so everything is opening back up and we can get on with it. Today was our first day of toddler yoga. Yes, toddler yoga. I usually say it with air quotes, because I know…

So, here we are. A little over a week into The Best Year Yet. And… well, school is back in session, so everything is opening back up and we can get on with it.

Today was our first day of toddler yoga. Yes, toddler yoga. I usually say it with air quotes, because I know better than to think I can get my child to do something like Follow Directions or a warrior pose.

It was actually a ton of fun and probably a lot like a baby music class. Except at the end of yoga class, mom gets to lay down and chilllll out for a few minutes while the leader dumps a bag of books on the floor and tries to corral the kiddos. I did get a lovely open mouth kiss on the cheek from some rando baby at one point, but it made me feel pretty.

Walden loved it and it made us both happy all day, so I’m glad we’re doing it. Seeing him interact with other kids is such a joyful thing and encourages me to give him more opportunities to unwittingly demonstrate his superior cuteness.

And now about me.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that if this year is going to be the best yet, I need to do something for myself. On a whim, I scanned the local community college’s website and decided to take a creative writing course. I’m excited and a little nervous. Advertising & PR Writing is the only writing course I’ve ever taken. I don’t have an idea for a book. My liver won’t support a career as a journalist. I’ve just always liked writing.

Just minutes after enrolling I imagined if the show Community was inspired by a class like the one I’m about. (It kind of was.)

Who knows what will become of it? I’ve got the blank new A4 notebook, full of nothing but paper and possibility, ready for the first day of class this week.

Whatever comes of it, it just feels good to have some new things in motion. What are some new things you’re going to try this year?

Responses to “A New Page”

  1. Jennifer

    Your writing class sounds fun! And toddler yoga. Wow! My son and I went to Baby and Me Zumba and my 9-month-old did as much exercise as you would expect- sitting on my hip while I bounced up and down doing ALL THE WORK. It was interesting. The yoga sounds like more my speed. ;)

  2. Lynn

    Ha ha! I’ve never heard of the baby & me Zumba, but… there’s something deeply compelling about being able to get in any kind of a workout while the kid is entertained. At least we have the yoga – give it a try if you get a chance!

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